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2025 NSYF Practice Policy and Schedule

2025 Tackle Football Policy and information.

First and foremost, issues with transportation, summer conflicts, school schedules, location of practices, etc.  DO NOT STRESS! We have solutions to it all - we are a community and we have you covered. We want kids to play football and we will help any family that needs help in order for that child to play.  If your child wants to play, then he should play! If you don't think there is a solution, text or call Mike 7735107720 and he will surely let you know there is indeed a solution. 


We divide our practices into 3 distinct time frames - July workouts, August Preseason practices, and In Season practices.   For July workouts and August practices, we understand that there is a lot of conflict in July and August. People have a lot going on. Our Pre-Season practice planning takes this into account - we have 26 practices scheduled in those two months in order to make sure kids are able to make enough practices to be ready for the first games.  Therefore,  do not hold back from playing if you have conflicts during those months.  Most of our families have numerous conflicts during July and August. We understand that and we are extremely experienced and very good at getting kids ready to play football even with all of these conflicts.  Once again, do not hold back from playing if you have conflicts.  

JULY WORKOUTS  - These workouts will take place July 22nd, July 23rd, July 24th, July 29th, July 30th, and July 31st from 6 to 8 PM. Our philosophy on these workouts is simple - If your child is in Chicago and does not have anything going on, it is beneficial to make these workouts.. 

AUGUST PRESEASON PRACTICES - August attendance policy - if you are in Chicago AND do not have a major, preplanned event scheduled, you are expected to be at practice.  What is a major, preplanned event?  Camp, Vacation, End of Summer Baseball Playoffs, etc.  - if you have to ask if it is a major, preplanned event, it probably isn't.  August preseason practices run From August 4th to August 29th. All levels will practice at Welles Park from 4:45 to 6:45, Monday through Friday, in August. That may seem like a lot of practices in August to some people.  However, there is a very important reason we go every day M thru Fr in August.  The reason - Kids must be ready to SAFELY play the first game and we must offer enough practices in order to make sure the maximum number of kids get the minimum number of practices in due to the amount of conflicts that the Summer brings us. 

REQUIREMENTS FOR GAME 1 PARTICIPATION (8/30 or 8/31) - In order to participate in the first game, NSYF must feel that player is ready to play.  The first guideline is that a player must have attended a minimum of 10 Preseason practices.  This is the bare minimum.  Once a player reaches 10 preseason practices, North Side Youth Football will determine whether or not that player is ready for the first game.  Each child' situation is different and we evaluate each child individually. Getting in 10 practices does not guarantee your child will play in the first game.  Why? NSYF wants kids to have extremely positive experiences playing the sport of football.  If your child is ready to play, they will play.  However, if your child is not ready for the first game and they play in that game, it increases the chance that child may have a negative experience.  If a child is not ready to play in the first game and they do not play, it actually greatly increases the chance of a positive experience. 

 IN SEASON PRACTICES.   Our In Season practice attendance policy is very, very simple - practice is mandatory!  Your child is expected to be committed to football. Unlike other sports, we do not ask for year round or multiple seasons in a 12 month period. We ask for one season a year and expect that football is each player's #1 commitment during that season.  In Season practice absences are considered excused or unexcused.    North Side Youth Football should be informed before the practice if your child is going to miss and why. Unexcused absences will be addressed with the player and family and most likely will result in reduced playing time that week. A pattern of unexcused absences will also be addressed and will result in game suspensions.  Other sports' practices and games are not an excused absence.  Repeat - skipping In Season practices for other sports' practices or games is NOT an excused absence.  Skipping In Season or Playoff football games for another sport will be dealt with immediately and potentially result in the player's removal from the program. 

Where and when are my child's In Season Practices? 

  • All levels will practice at Welles Park on T, Th, and Fr from 4:45 to 6:45

We live a long ways away? I need help getting my child to practices. My child can't make it to the start of practice because of his school schedule.

  • We aggressively organize carpools. For those that live a long way away, these carpools actually end up saving families time because families are only driving a fraction of the days they normally would.
  • For In Season practices, your child is expected to be on time, dressed, and ready to go when practice starts. If your child is not able to be there at the beginning of practice due to how far you live away and/or when his/her school ends, we  understand and simply ask that he/she get there as soon as they can and join in once they get there.